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Planning Board Minutes-81709
Minutes for the Meeting of
August 17, 2009


        Chairman Philip Lindquist called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

        Members Present:        Philip Lindquist, Chairman
                                Joan DiLillo, Vice Chairman
                                Richard Flynn, Clerk

        Members Absent: David Nagle, Member
                                Kenneth Lawson, Member
        Others Present: Noreen O’Toole, Town Planner
                                Barbara Ferguson, Administrative Assistant


        Acceptance of Minutes of Meeting of July 27, 2009

        Motion to accept the minutes of the meeting of July 27, 2009: Joan DiLillo
        Second: Richard Flynn
        Vote: 3-0


        Hanson Trails Committee
        Zoning Bylaw Committee
        Old Colony Planning Council Joint Transportation Committee
        Other Matters


        Stonebridge Commons
        Mark Ridder & Pulte Homes Representative

        The Board met with Mark Ridder of Evergreen Properties LLC and Glenwood Investments LLC and Reid Blute of Pulte Homes of New England LLC to discuss Stonebridge Commons.  Mr. Ridder told the Board that the two parties have resolved their differences.  Pulte will be finishing up the 29 units in its phase of the development, he said, and will remain the declarant and trustee of the condominium association for the over age 55 project for another year. The Planning Board requested that Mr. Blute provide the Board with a letter explaining the phasing of the development. Mr. Ridder said that his company plans to start construction of the 92 units in his phase of the development in the Spring. His company, he said, will be responsible for construction of the community building with financial input from Pulte. He noted that Pulte has bonded the entire site and will be seeking elimination of the bond for Phases 2 and 3. Mr. Ridder added that he will be putting up a bond for his portion of the project before he seeks any building permits.

        Chairman Lindquist asked about the treatment plant and was advised that the date it goes on line will be regulated by the state.  Mr. Ridder assured Chairman Lindquist that the Board will be provided with the notice of dismissal of the legal case between the two parties and any documents relative to the division of the project and the responsibilities of both parties.

        Form A/ANR
        State Street

        The Board met with James Rodriguez of Hanover and his attorney, Paul McAuliffe of Abington to discuss a Form ANR plan filed by 684 State Street Realty Trust.  The plan depicts the re-division of a tract of land on which two or more buildings were standing when the subdivision control went into effect in the town.  The plan shows the 2.67 acre lot divided under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 41, Section 81L into a 2.527 acre Lot A1 and a 15,083 square foot Lot A2.  An existing dwelling would be located on Lot A2 and an existing barn on Lot A1.  In an opinion from Kopelman and Paige, town counsel, the plan would be entitled to endorsement provided the Board determines that each of the two buildings currently on the parcel are “substantial” buildings.  The opinion indicated that, if the plan were approved, the barn lot would not be a buildable lot under the bylaw, due to the judicial doctrine of “infections invalidity.”  Richard Flynn made a motion to approve the plan, but his motion received no second so no vote was taken.


        Meeting Dates for September

        Board members set meeting dates of September 14, & 28, 2009.


        Rules & Regulations

        Chairman Philip Lindquist asked that a letter be sent to Board members requesting that they write down any comments on the proposed changes to the rules and regulations and be ready to discuss them at the September 14, 2009 meeting.


        Motion to adjourn: Joan DiLillo
        Second: Richard Flynn
        Vote: 3-0